Key Implementation Dates
(Past) Plan Commission Discussion Session
What: Staff will lead a discussion on the progress made related to Task 2-PUD Systems, Task 3-TOD Codes, and Task 4-Lot Coverage & Stormwater.
When: 5:30 pm
Where: Council Chambers at City Hall, 10 N Bemiston, and via Zoom
(Past) Board of Aldermen Discussion Session
What: Staff will lead a discussion on the progress made related to Task 4-Lot Coverage & Stormwater.
When: 3pm
Where: Council Chambers at City Hall, 10 N Bemiston, and via Zoom
(Past) Board of Aldermen Meeting - Public Hearing
What: Public hearing for consideration of a text amendment to add bars as a conditionally permitted use in the High Density Commercial District, repeal of the Entertainment Overlay District, amendments to liquor license regulations, and other actions related thereto.
When: 7 pm
Where: Council Chambers at City Hall, 10 N Bemiston, and via Zoom
(Past) Plan Commission Meeting - Public Hearing
What: Public hearing for consideration of a text amendment to add bars as a conditionally permitted use in the High Density Commercial District, repeal of the Entertainment Overlay District, and other actions related thereto.
When: 5:30 pm
Where: Council Chambers at City Hall, 10 N Bemiston, and via Zoom
(Past) Board of Aldermen Discussion Session
What: Staff will lead a discussion on the progress made related to Task 2-PUD Systems, Task 3-TOD Codes, and Task 5-Bars and Liquor Licenses.
When: 3pm
Where: Council Chambers at City Hall, 10 N Bemiston, and via Zoom
(Past) Plan Commission Meeting
What: Staff will present the implementation priorities set by the Mayor and Board of Aldermen.
When: 5:30pm
Where: Council Chambers at City Hall or via Zoom