Clayton Tomorrow 2040

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The City of Clayton has completed the exciting and important process of updating our Comprehensive Plan!

Welcome to the Comprehensive Plan website for Clayton Tomorrow 2040. The City encouraged and benefited from citizen participation throughout this process. This website will remain live for the next few months to provide opportunity for citizens to view progress, review engagement summaries, and gain additional understanding about the City's direction in the future. As we begin the process of implementation, staff will translate the plan into an online dashboard and interactive plan.

Implementing Clayton Tomorrow 2040

Implementation of the comprehensive plan is outlined through the Objectives and Key Results section of the adopted document. Some key results are specific tasks, while others will require additional analysis or coordination between various departments. There will be opportunities for the community to participate in the implementation process through discussion session, surveys, presentations, and public hearings. The Mayor and Board of Aldermen will set the implementation priorities for each fiscal year through an annual strategic planning session.

What is Comprehensive Planning?

Comprehensive planning evaluates a variety of aspects of a community to understand strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, values, and vision for the future. Through an open public engagement process, the City of Clayton will create a vision for the future. A comprehensive plan becomes a guiding policy document that outlines goals, principles, and priorities to aid the elected and appointed officials, as well as staff, in decision making over the next decade.

A comprehensive plan focuses on future land use and development decisions. Closely tied to land use are economic development and sustainability principles. The plan will explore goals for residential and commercial development to lay the foundation for the City's zoning regulations. The comprehensive plan does not guide all City policies and spending. For example, evaluating public safety (including police and fire services), capital improvement projects, and other spending decisions (such as waste services or contractual services) are not included in the scope of this project.

Dive into Data!

We have created a data dashboard to explore a variety of aspects of our community. This data is helpful to understand existing conditions and create a baseline for analysis moving forward. The data dashboard is also a great way to get a glimpse of our community! The link below will take you to another page with tons of information, charts, maps, and more to explore. After taking a look, leave a comment, question, or idea on the "Post Comments and Questions" tab below!

Visit the Clayton Tomorrow 2040 Data Dashboard

The City of Clayton has completed the exciting and important process of updating our Comprehensive Plan!

Welcome to the Comprehensive Plan website for Clayton Tomorrow 2040. The City encouraged and benefited from citizen participation throughout this process. This website will remain live for the next few months to provide opportunity for citizens to view progress, review engagement summaries, and gain additional understanding about the City's direction in the future. As we begin the process of implementation, staff will translate the plan into an online dashboard and interactive plan.

Implementing Clayton Tomorrow 2040

Implementation of the comprehensive plan is outlined through the Objectives and Key Results section of the adopted document. Some key results are specific tasks, while others will require additional analysis or coordination between various departments. There will be opportunities for the community to participate in the implementation process through discussion session, surveys, presentations, and public hearings. The Mayor and Board of Aldermen will set the implementation priorities for each fiscal year through an annual strategic planning session.

What is Comprehensive Planning?

Comprehensive planning evaluates a variety of aspects of a community to understand strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, values, and vision for the future. Through an open public engagement process, the City of Clayton will create a vision for the future. A comprehensive plan becomes a guiding policy document that outlines goals, principles, and priorities to aid the elected and appointed officials, as well as staff, in decision making over the next decade.

A comprehensive plan focuses on future land use and development decisions. Closely tied to land use are economic development and sustainability principles. The plan will explore goals for residential and commercial development to lay the foundation for the City's zoning regulations. The comprehensive plan does not guide all City policies and spending. For example, evaluating public safety (including police and fire services), capital improvement projects, and other spending decisions (such as waste services or contractual services) are not included in the scope of this project.

Dive into Data!

We have created a data dashboard to explore a variety of aspects of our community. This data is helpful to understand existing conditions and create a baseline for analysis moving forward. The data dashboard is also a great way to get a glimpse of our community! The link below will take you to another page with tons of information, charts, maps, and more to explore. After taking a look, leave a comment, question, or idea on the "Post Comments and Questions" tab below!

Visit the Clayton Tomorrow 2040 Data Dashboard

  • FY 2025 Implementation

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    In September 2024, the Mayor and Board of Aldermen determined the implementation priorities for Fiscal Year 2025. Priorities include revisions to zoning district regulations, creation of new policies or guidelines, and updating online materials and resources. A schedule for completion of each task has been created to help coordinate staff resources. The exact timeline will be dependent on meeting schedules. As meetings and discussions are set, dates and additional information will be added to this page.

    Fiscal Year 2025 Implementation Priorities:

    1. Create an executive summary of Clayton Tomorrow 2040.
    2. Review the Planned Unit Development (PUD) public benefits point system to identify opportunities for better alignment with City objectives.
    3. Revise the Transit Oriented Developemnt (TOD) overlay district codes to include provisions for parking reductions, mixed-income residential developments, and design standards that align with desired community character and existing market realities.
    4. Develop a lot coverage reduction program that identifies innovative ways to reduce the amount of impervious coverage and promotes use of green infrastructure.
    5. Update liquor license regulations to allow bars in Downtown Clayton.
    6. Create an incentives policy for developments in key areas of the City that diversity the City’s revenue base.
    7. Add a layer to an online interactive map to help advertise for potential development areas and outline objectives from the comprehensive plan for the public to view.
    8. Review the architectural guidelines against the character and development patterns of different neighborhoods to establish appropriate neighborhood identity standards.
    9. Complete annual strategic planning with the Mayor and Board of Aldermen to determine fiscal year 2026 priorities.
    10. Identify target uses for various districts that can be used to further priorities of incentive programs and assist with zoning code updates.

  • Comprehensive Plan Adoption

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    Thank you to everyone who participated in the comprehensive planning process over the last year. In June the Plan Commission and the Board of Aldermen voted to adopt Clayton Tomorrow 2040 as the City's master plan for physical development. The final adopted plan can be viewed under the "Documents" tab on this webpage. Staff has now begun the process of determining an implementation schedule and tasks to focus on in the next year. This website will remain live for the next few months while a project dashboard is created to track our implantation over the years to come.

Page last updated: 22 Jan 2025, 05:00 PM